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A man climbs a ladder leaning against a pile of books with tall buildings in the background

Our mission is to be the global and innovative knowledge management leader, improving our customers' growth, innovation, profits, and success worldwide. Thus, through a global network of partners and leading a comprehensive and innovative range of knowledge management solutions.

ROM Global

Your knowledge management Innovative Partner to Success

Our Services

2Know Newsletter

A monthly newsletter  

for any knowledge managers

Knowledge Management courses

knowledge management education

courses and workshops

Knowledge Management Knowledgebase

knowledge management 
methodologies database

Business Innovative solutions

From knowledge management coaching, through consulting, project execution, change management to ongoing implementation 

Innovative Customized Solutions Tailored to Your Needs

  • Knowledge management strategy planning and implementing knowledge management programs

  • Knowledge management projects and ongoing execution

  • Knowledge management education

  • Knowledge management consulting and mentoring

  • Knowledge management activities

laptop and notebook on table
3 people looking at paper
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