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Applied Generative AI

Artificial hand generating a network

Dedicated expertise in effective knowledge transfer within acquisition and merger processes, including:

Change Management

landscape with a turn left road sign

The processes of changing organizational processes, culture, and habits, to improve its business performance.

Communities of Practice

service logo - KIWE

Groups of people linked based on collective expertise serve an organization's knowledge needs.

Document & Content Management

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Creation of a comprehensive and accessible documentation repository, containing all essential information for the transfer process.


many game dice falling

Gamification is a tool for integrating positive emotional experiences into the activity routine and during peak events in the organization.

ISO 30401

man writing with pen

ISO 30401 management system standard for knowledge management is meant to support organizations in developing a management system that effectively promotes and enables value-creation through knowledge.

Knowledge Creation

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Developing professional knowledge by aggregating existing documented and tacit assets, and using it to construct new knowledge levels.

Knowledge Management Strategy

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ROM Global specializes in developing tailored knowledge management strategies, including evaluating current practices, prioritizing impactful topics, and designing solutions to enhance knowledge retention, sharing, and collaboration within organizations.

Knowledge Management in Service Centers

young peoples working on laptops

Managing service organization knowledge such that junior employees deliver high-quality service.

Knowledge Retention - Capturing Tacit Knowledge

Lap top computer

Advanced methods and tools for transferring both explicit and tacit knowledge.

Knowledge Risk Management

tower assembly game

As knowledge importance increases in organizations, so do knowledge risks. Knowledge risk management is the process of managing those risks.

Lessons Learned - The Day After

hand holding light bulb

Structured and controlled management of the transfer process, ensuring preservation of critical and core knowledge.

Merger Knowledge Transfer

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Knowledge Management solutions that enable companies to streamline their work processes, improve internal organizational communication, and ensure the preservation of critical knowledge over time.

Portals and Channels

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Organizing websites and portals to enable knowledge usage by customer and the general public as well as by employees.

SOPs and Guidelines accessibility

typing on a computer

SOPs and guidelines hold the documented knowledge of an organization. Effective internal accessibility improves understanding and implementing

User Experience

man draws on a paper

User experience (UX) focuses on the user's feelings when using a product or service.

Our projects span the entire knowledge management services

typing on laptop

Knowledge Management

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