Dr. Moria Levy is one of the foremost thought leaders driving the knowledge management discipline forward.
In 1998, Dr. Levy established ROM Global, a firm specializing in knowledge management. ROM turned out to be one of the biggest knowledge management
firms worldwide, nowadays with 40 employees daily serving knowledge management organizations worldwide.
Moria didn’t settle for owning and leading a big knowledge management firm, exceptional in its size in this evolving market. She pushed forward to develop new methodologies addressing intranets, lessons learned, knowledge retention, collaborative knowledge development, and more. These methodologies, based on fieldwork, were later the basis for her research papers and books, having nowadays over 1,000 citations. In 2017 Moria Levy was included in the Journal Impact Factor of Thomson Reuters.
Dr. Levy led the first worldwide initiative of a knowledge management standard: the Israeli knowledge management standard SII25006. This standard was published In 2012 and was the foundation on which knowledge management in Israel later developed. In 2015 she was chosen by the International Standards Organization (ISO) to lead a global experts team in developing a knowledge management standard. This resulted in “ISO30401 – Knowledge Management Systems” an agreed upon comprehensive compass for knowledge management excellence.
Dr. Moria Levy

Dr. Levy led the first initiative worldwide for high school studies specializing in knowledge management as part of information and data sciences studies, a program running in Israel for over a decade.
Since the beginning of the Covid pandemic, Dr. Levy was focused on pushing the knowledge management discipline forward, with the vision of utilizing it to bring prosperity to organizations and to the community. As the Israeli knowledge management forum chair, she joined KMGN, the knowledge management global network, turning her personal vision into the organization’s. She led. in KMGN, the development of two innovative knowledge management courses, one focused on AI and knowledge management, and the other on advanced knowledge management methodologies. These courses were very successful, offering experienced knowledge managers around the globe new ideas on better implementing knowledge management. During her 2022 tenure as KMGN chairperson, the organization doubled from 12 to 25 involved countries and networks. This period saw knowledge managers all over the world better acting together, looking for shared knowledge management challenges, and running specific projects to tackle these challenges.
Nowadays, Dr. Levy continues to lead the “Designing the Future for Knowledge Management” committee in KMGN and continues to take part in leading KMGN working on setting up a shared knowledge management week worldwide.