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2Know Newsletter


The Naked Presenter - Book Review

Summaries of books from all over the world in the field of knowledge management.

" The Naked Presenter: Delivering Powerful Presentations With or Without Slides " represents the third installment in a series authored...


Developing professional knowledge by aggregating existing documented and tacit assets, and using it to construct new knowledge levels.

Curation is the human action of collecting, aggregating, and organizing information received from search engine results. In retrospect,...

Integrating Social Media Components into Knowledge Repositories Trends

Every organization currently has many alternatives for digitally managing information and knowledge.
The ROM company leads organizations in decisions related to digital platforms:
- Is it necessary to purchase new technology, or can we rely on the existing one?
- What should be offered to employees for which purpose?
- Which tool should be purchased for a specific purpose? The ROM company has a close familiarity with the ever-changing range of solutions for the benefit of information & resources

Expected Trends and Changes When discussing a knowledge repository in an organization, many envision a centralized and traditional...


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