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2Know Newsletter


Knowledge Management in the Digital Age - Book Review

Summaries of books from all over the world in the field of knowledge management.

The book "Knowledge Management in the Digital Age: Get the Most from Your Data, Your Device, and Your Employees" is co-authored by Dr....

Trends in the field of search engines/ AI in service of search engines

We are witnessing a fascinating technological revolution led by Generative AI tools. This groundbreaking technology promises to fundamentally change the world of knowledge work, streamlining daily processes and enhancing efficiency in every aspect of knowledge-based activities.
Intelligent implementation of creative artificial intelligence in organizational work processes opens the door to significant cost savings and is an engine of growth and innovation.

The field of search engines is evolving in recent years, especially due to the emergence of AI applications, which signify a huge leap in...

A Call for Collaboration: Advancing Knowledge Management Globally

Organizations should document significant knowledge to prevent loss, but extensive systems can overwhelm employees. Improving search literacy with tools, search tips, content organization, and expert consultations can help. Investing in these aids enhances efficiency, knowledge management, and employee empowerment.

Dear Knowledge Managers around the world, As 2022 starts, I will start serving as the new chair of KMGN, the KM global network for KM...

The Principal - Book Review

Summaries of books from all over the world in the field of knowledge management.

" The Principal: Three Keys to Maximizing Impact " written by Michael Fullan in 2014, delves into the crucial role of school principals...

NLP and support in Hebrew: converting and deciphering for voice and text

Developing professional knowledge by aggregating existing documented and tacit assets, and using it to construct new knowledge levels.

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a sub-genre of AI and linguistics which deals with issues regarding the comprehension,...

Come over and play: gamification in organizations

Gamification blends playfulness with work, fostering positive experiences in organizational settings. From digital escape rooms to knowledge quizzes and humor-infused documents, it enhances engagement, knowledge sharing, and unity. Despite perceived high costs, cost-effective solutions exist, making gamification a versatile and impactful tool for organizations.

Most of our lives can be divided into ‘work hours,’ during which we are serious and professional, and ‘free time.’ We are usually less...


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