2Know Newsletter
From Livestreams to Learning Labs: How VR/AR is Leveling Up Knowledge Management
Thanks to recent technological advances, we now have access to a wide range of experiences: live TV broadcasts, Facebook, Instagram live,...
The Smart Mission - Book Review
The Smart Mission examines knowledge management, stressing learning, collaboration, and dynamic approaches for today's uncertain world
Gamification: From Playful Beginnings to Practical Solutions
Gamification blends play with work, enhancing engagement, knowledge sharing, and unity through cost-effective solutions.
International Conference on Knowledge Management and Knowledge Technologies
International Conference on Knowledge Management and Knowledge Technologies
May 16-17, 2024 in Paris, France
Deatlis: Link
March News
As part of our 25th anniversary celebrations, we held the first KM Game challenge last month. All those who have completed the challenge will receive a copy of 'Reblooming the Knowledge' by Alex Bennet and Robert Turner, sponsored by Alex Bennet. The lottery was recorded and can be viewed at this link. The winner, Mr. Vincent Ribiere, will also receive $100 in Amazon book coupons and a session with Dr. Moria Levy. We are looking forward to everyone joining our next challenge on April 1st.
P.S. For those who didn't complete the challenge, the answers were: IBM, Larry, and Connect.
We are opening a new and unique course on knowledge retention. Be a pioneer and join us in learning how to improve these important skills and minimize organizational loss. Starting on March 13th: Link
Our next Applying-Generative-AI-in-Organizations course for knowledge managers will start on April 4th. You can register at: Link
KnowMax blog
The KnowMax blog is dedicated to exploring Knowledge Management within the service sector, covering various topics such as KM software, Customer Experience, AI, Bots, and more. While the blog maintains a focused approach, the insights offered extend relevance to a broad spectrum of Knowledge Management applications: Link
Knowledge Management 2.0: have we found a way to make KM work?
For too many years, we have repeatedly heard the question, "Is KM dead?" Nowadays, in 2024, the tone is different. While many connect this change to Generative AI, we find a different perspective on what drove the change in this article, with a beautiful example of why knowledge is much more than data. Worth reading: Link
Should You Tell Your Employees Not to Work on Weekends?
Simon Sinek is one of my favorites. My strategy development methods are based on ideas I learned from him. This article on employee burnout is somewhat surprising, and yet, at the same time, it makes so much sense. Relevant to all knowledge workers: Link
Overcoming Knowledge Retention Challenges: Strategies for Sustainable Organization Memory
Overcoming Knowledge Retention Challenges: Strategies for Sustainable Organization Memory: Link