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2Know Newsletter


Social BI

Social Business Intelligence, following BI 2.0, reflects a recent trend, namely searching for and detecting information in social sharing...

Future-Oriented Debriefing - A Short and Effective Methodology

learn each lesson (only) once
Organizations know how important it is to draw lessons; However, most of them find it difficult to manage learning processes over time. why?
Dealing with guilt, whether overt or under the surface
Too much time required to invest in each production
Superficial lessons that do not innovate much
And... too little use of the knowledge learned, even if successful
The ROM company has a unique AAR-based methodology for generating lessons and a comprehensive concept.

We have long heard about the importance of deriving lessons learned. Every manager can explain how crucial the issue is, how much we need...

The Three Eras of Knowledge Management

Organizations should document significant knowledge to prevent loss, but extensive systems can overwhelm employees. Improving search literacy with tools, search tips, content organization, and expert consultations can help. Investing in these aids enhances efficiency, knowledge management, and employee empowerment.

Ever since the idea of knowledge management became familiar, it has gone through three different eras of development. Each era brought an...

The Art of Managing Knowledge - Book Review

Summaries of books from all over the world in the field of knowledge management.

I was coincidentally exposed to the book " Art of Managing Knowledge ," 2010. Judi Sandrock, the author, is a knowledge management...

The New Edge in Knowledge - Book Review

Summaries of books from all over the world in the field of knowledge management.

" The New Edge in Knowledge: How Knowledge Management Is Changing the Way We Do Business " was authored in 2011 by Carla O'Dell and Cindy...


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