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2Know Newsletter
Decoding Fonts: Choosing and Using Typography in Design
The term "font" refers to the graphic design style of letters in each language and is categorized into two families: serif fonts and...
Morning Reflections: Navigating Emotions, Engagement, and the Empathy Map
Time: 7:30 am Situation: Frustrated while stuck in one of the infamous morning traffic jams... Rather than dwelling solely in...
WIX: Beyond Website Creation for Knowledge Management
What is the relationship between our organization's WIX website creation platform and knowledge management? Allegedly, there is no direct...
When - Book Review
" When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing " represents a 2018 publication by Daniel Pink, a recognized authority in management,...
Google's Knowledge Graph: A Simple Guide to Smart Searches and Quality Results
Today's technological landscape empowers capabilities and opportunities through interconnected networks. Facebook has successfully...
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