Dr Moria Levy started ROM Global as ROM Knowledgeware in 1998, when knowledge management was making its first baby steps. Dr. Levy holds a B.Sc. in Mathematics and Computer Science, an M.Sc. in Computer Science, and a Ph.D. in knowledge management. She has more than 30 years of IT experience, and since 1998 focused her attention on knowledge management.
Dr. Levy leads knowledge management in Israel for many years, and for the past years has been involved in global knowledge management activities.
Head of ISO knowledge management experts team.
2022 head of KMGN, an International knowledge management collaboration forum.
Head of Israel knowledge management forum.
Author and editor of knowledge management books.

Israel Fischer

KiSure Lead
Israel leads development and implementation of our KiSure proprietary knowledge retention methodology.
Israel managed knowledge in a large law firm for more than 20 years. He later joined ROM after founding and managing two knowledge management start-ups.
Ran Levy

Strategy and Business Development
Ran leads business strategy and business development for ROM, with emphasis on global market activities.
Ran joined ROM Knowledgeware after more than 30 years of high rank positions in the Israeli public sector. In those roles he was responsible for setting and implementing strategy for large organizations.
Anat Bielsky

Chief Information Officer
Anat leads knowledge management IT solutions for ROM clients, with emphasis on new technologies such as AI.
Anat has been a part of our team for more than 15 years, gaining. extensive experience in implementing various solutions for all knowledge management needs. She has managed and supervised projects in the private sector, and in public and government organizations.