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Adaptation and Accessibility

Sahar Sade

Updated: Nov 24, 2024

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Media used to be used for everyday uses only by tech savvy individuals, users who like technological innovation and are accustomed to it. Nowadays, nearly everyone consumes most data and services through media of all sorts. The growing supply of websites and applications of service-providing parties, news websites, business websites and many others has accustomed us to new standards of comfort and availability we require at all times.

But let's talk about the other side, the service-providing side.

It is the responsibility of the service provider to make the provided information accessible to those who will likely consume it. Let's not focus on accessibility for disabled users, which is an entirely separate field with its own rules and standards. Instead, we better focus on overall accessibility for most users.

The objective is to create a pleasant work environment appropriate for all potential users of this platform, in order to expand its use and its market share by making it relevant for everyone.

To find a general solution, we can divide potential users into two groups based on their love and ease to technology:

Why is it important? Because different users will work better with different adapted platforms:

Technological users should be offered a platform characterized by the following properties:

  • Hardly any wording. Users should be presented only the information they require at their current stage. Familiar icons and symbols should replace text so not to tire the user by overloading them.

  • Innovative, clean design for a technologically advanced atmosphere.

The hardly technological users, on the other hand, would probably enjoy a platform characterized by the following properties:

  • Detailed text explaining each stage, in order to assure the unacquainted user of the service we provide them via this unfamiliar platform.

  • Emphasizing important parts which require more attention, using pictures and colors associated with the content they represent.

  • Using familiar icons and symbols besides the explanatory text


In conclusion, adapting the platform to all types of users will require the service provider to analyze and study different users' respective manners of conduct. They will have to analyze the differences between these different routes and balance the various requirements. Hopefully, they will be able to provide a platform that suits as many users as possible.


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