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Digital Customer Experience

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Have you ever heard of the term Digital Customer Experience? The term originally referred to the experience (i.e. process) the customer experiences when interacting with a brand's online digital platform. Nowadays, it refers to many types of audiences and digital interfaces.

Many perceive Digital Experience as a one-time event, yet it is actually an experience comprised from a number of 'paths' that the customer takes when interacting with the brand: online purchasing, social media, customer service, etc. These paths define the overall experience as either overall positive or overall negative. In this technological day and age, internet platform managers are investing much effort in deciphering the ultimate Digital Experience. They try to generate emotional connection via the platform, receive feedback and answer their various needs.

In order to attain the ideal Digital Experience, we must get into the users' heads and realize how they work, the reasoning behind their choices and how to make them enjoy their experience so that they wish to repeat it. Accordingly, many insights have been attained due to much research revolving this issue: improving customers' Digital Experience.

So here are 5 important insights I collected. I believe they can help us better understand the customers and what they're looking for:

  1. Get to know the user: get acquainted with the customer to tailor a unique Digital Experience for them. This might sound obvious, but many companies do not sufficiently invest on researching their customers despite the numerous available options.

  2. Key points: find the key points in which your users expressed contentment and/or got stuck. These enjoyable points are probably those that distinguish your business and promote it. Therefore, it is best to focus on them.

  3. Feedback: for you to successfully create a perfect Digital Experience, you must rely on the users and allow them to provide you with feedback. You can now improve the experience according to the customers' requests, which sends them a clear message: we care about you.

  4. Technology/infrastructure: users expect to receive a perfect Digital Experience. For example, even a mere ten second wait for a page to upload can send more than 50% of web-surfers away. Invest in your platform, it is the key to your success.

  5. Retaining the users' overall lifecycle: many platforms focus most resources on sales and marketing. While this does prove effective in expanding their customer circle, it also ignores equally critical stages like customer service and retaining current customers. In other words, Digital Experience isn't merely an initial process intended for newcomers. It is a constant and apparent investment in all customers and all users at all times.

In conclusion, success is measured in investment and care for detail: the more you invest, the more you will be rewarded for your efforts. You must understand that the process isn't complete once you've succeeded providing users with a successful Digital Experience. People constantly change their preferences, trends are being set daily, new technologies are being invented as you read this piece. Therefore, here's my tip: stay updated and keep on trying to improve your users' experience.


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