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Infinite Learning - Book Review

Writer's picture: Dr. Moria LevyDr. Moria Levy

Book cover titled "Infinite Learning: Your Life, Your Choice," features a vivid infinity symbol with cosmic elements and a serene face.

The book - Infinite Learning - Your Life, Your Choice was written and published by Alex Bennet in 2025. The book deals with learning as a life journey and is inspiring: learning more than we know today, learning holistically, and learning as a way to lead us to become people who act better in the world.

The book is structured in two parts: the theoretical explanation and the interactions between learning and various other domains.


Infinite Learning and its Components:

  • Introduction – Infinite Learning

  • The Brain

  • Learning in the Unconscious

  • Social Learning

  • Technology as a Catalyst for Infinite Learning

  • First Steps for Embarking on the Journey

Interactions with Content Worlds Where Learning Exists or Can Be Inferred:

  • Human Learning and Artificial Intelligence

  • Learning Versus Quantum Theory

  • Learning and the Soul

  • Learning Versus Religious Belief

  • Learning in the Animal World

  • Learning in the Plant World

I wish you an enjoyable reading and a desire to be among the first to read and immerse yourself in the book upon its publication (at the time of writing this summary, it had not yet been officially distributed).

Introduction – Infinite Learning


Learning is a process of acquiring knowledge, skills, and understanding, enabling us to grow and improve ourselves and our functioning.

Learning can occur at varying levels, ranging from first-order learning (knowledge, patterns) to creating new concepts or changing basic understandings in response to contextual changes, learning based on thinking beyond existing logic to transform belief systems or values, and learning that produces revolutionary change with a comprehensive systemic perspective (system of systems).

Learning can be formal, such as in courses we take, or informal, for example, in response to situations we experience.

Infinite Learning

Infinite Learning is defined as a way of life - continuous, formal, and informal learning without limitations or boundaries.

Key factors contributing to the success of infinite learning:

  1. Curiosity and Mental Openness- The driving factor that can push us towards infinite learning through searching for information and new experiences, as well as the willingness to be open to ideas and perspectives different from those we currently adopt.

  2. Lifelong Learning- Including learning in schools, academia, professional courses, and self-learning frameworks. This includes a personal push towards new experiences.

  3. Cross-Disciplinary Learning- Integrating knowledge from perspectives across different fields of expertise. Creating connections between different domains is the basis for innovation, problem-solving, and strategic thinking.

  4. Technological Utilization- Using technologies to improve learning opportunities, processes, personalization, and more. A dedicated section on this topic will follow in this summary.

  5. Reflection Capability is the ability to self-assess and think critically. A culture where individuals reflect on their activities and experiences drives learning processes. Critical thinking and problem-solving are vital tools for advanced learning. They are beneficial to oneself and the community.

  6. Collaboration and Networking- Social learning with others upgrades the learning process. Connecting to network learning forums creates opportunities for expanded experiences and learning; connecting with a different group (at least partially), as in collaborative projects and cross-forums, improves the depth of learning, thanks to diversity.

  7. Adaptability and Flexibility- Adaptability and flexibility support our ability to discard less relevant learning and knowledge and accept new learning that differs from what we expect. Developing a growth mindset helps with these abilities.

  8. Mindfulness and Self-Care- Caring for physical and emotional health are fundamental physical and emotional leisure conditions that enable continuous learning. Being present reduces stress and improves focus.

  9. Implementation and Experience- Applying new ideas and knowledge in the real world completes the learning process and internalizes the knowledge, understandings, and ways of functioning within us.

  10. Resourcefulness- Being resourceful helps us search, evaluate, and consume information from different sources effectively. Developing investigative resourcefulness and expanding knowledge sources improves infinite learning.

  11. Setting Goals and Achievements- Establishing learning goals and targets, monitoring progress, and making strategic adjustments ensure that learning remains focused and effective.

  12. Cultural Awareness and Sensitivity- Cultivating awareness of other cultures and a global perspective broadens and enriches learning experiences. This expanded perspective creates diversity that deepens learning. Alongside this awareness, cultural sensitivity is required to understand nonverbal communication and succeed in the new multicultural world.

  13. Intrinsic Motivation- The internal drive to learn and progress. Fueled by our passion for acquiring knowledge.

  14. Resilience and Perseverance- The ability to deal with problems and obstacles, treating challenges as growth opportunities. Perseverance allows striving for long-term commitment and achievement ability despite difficulties along the way.

Regarding each of these, Bennet demonstrates how one can improve personal skills through strengthening knowledge skills.

Learning Moments

Learning moments refer to focused, short learning interfaces, both formal and informal, that can be captured and absorbed within ongoing work processes.

Learning moments include targeted learning, such as e-learning modules, podcasts, learning applications, and more, and unintended learning moments, such as spontaneous learning interfaces during work.

It is recommended that learning moments be integrated into ongoing learning processes. The advantages:

  • More effective learning (short, focused knowledge segments)

  • Deeper connection to this type of learning

  • Learning flexibility at any time and context.

Additional tips for infinite learning

  • Depth and quality of learning are critical to making the infinite learning process effective. One can deepen and improve learning quality by 1) dedicating specific time, 2) connecting with experts, and 3) applying knowledge.

  • Knowledge does not exist in a vacuum; understanding context creates clarity and relevance and, when applied in infinite learning, refines the ability to create understanding patterns. Examples of tools for such learning include 1) Case Studies analysis and 2) experience.

  • Timing is essential to effective learning. Appropriate timing can be when we are ready to understand how knowledge can serve us.

  • Also, Meaning and vision guide the learning journey and create motivation for its advancement.

Infinite learning benefits personal advancement, growth, and organizational competitiveness. It improves and optimizes business performance and promotes innovation and development.

The Brain

Cognitive Brain Functions that Support and are Supported by Infinite Learning:

  • Neuroplasticity: The brain's ability to reorganize by creating new connections due to learning and experience. Enables learning even as adults. Infinite learning, by the way, leverages the brain's neuroplasticity.

  • Synaptic Plasticity: The brain's ability to reorganize by eliminating and changing existing connections, thus coding and preserving new information. This ability is essential for creating memories and maintaining learned knowledge over time. Bennet mentions a model developed for learning based on complex case studies as a tool for developing and optimizing neural pathways.

  • Cognitive Flexibility that allows switching between different thinking directions and simultaneously working on multiple tasks. It is essential for developing creativity, problem-solving, and more.

  • Memory System Strengthening for efficient information storage in our brain. Learning can strengthen both short-term and long-term memory systems. Repetitive learning is an example of a tool that strengthens the memory system.

  • Cognitive Load Management is related to working memory and the brain's ability to hold and process information for short periods. It is essential for concentration and problem-solving. Summarizing, synthesizing information, and creating thought maps are tools for strengthening this ability.

  • Brain Reward Systems create dopamine that promotes feelings of pleasure and satisfaction. These reinforce the ability to make sustained efforts and curiosity. Proactively triggering curiosity works opposite to strengthening the brain's reward system.

  • Arousal optimally balances tension and anxiety against pleasure, initiating neuroplasticity and growth hormones that build neural connections and pathways. Encountering and dealing with difficulties strengthens this ability.

  • Focusing on the important while filtering surrounding information is a brain function critical to concentration and learning. Cognitive exercises, mindfulness practices, and a supportive work environment that minimizes distractions can strengthen this mental ability.

  • Emotional Intelligence, referring to our ability to recognize, understand, and manage emotions and empathy, is integral to learning. Positive emotions can encourage learning.

  • Sleep and Rest consolidate memories and organize information collected during the day. Therefore, prioritizing quality sleep is critical to advancing learning. Structured and unstructured breaks are critical for recovering from cognitive fatigue and maintaining high performance levels.

  • Physical health and training increase brain power by increasing blood flow, which provides glucose as an energy source for neural operations and combats oxygen toxins.

  • Multi-sensory learning improves learning quality in formal or informal learning contexts. Engaging different senses helps create more robust memories. Art exercises and visual-textual integration are tools for multi-sensory learning.

  • Connection to meta-cognitive strategies of self-reflection enhances awareness and regulation of learning and thinking habits.

  • Several mechanisms in the brain enable improved learning through social interaction. Supportive trust relationships accelerate brain growth and the organization and integration of information.

  • Executive functions are a collective term for mental skills that help individuals manage thoughts, actions, and emotions to achieve their goals. The pre-frontal cortex plays a vital role in examining these activities, prioritizing them, and making decisions in context.

  • Feedback loops are closely related to neuroplasticity and the brain's ability to respond to situations and experiences. They are undoubtedly critical to learning processes, as they provide individuals with information about their performance and progress, helping them adjust their action strategies and improve their skills.

The connection is indeed bidirectional and mutual; the brain's structure and components enable infinite learning, and infinite learning, diverse in its tools, strengthens cognitive brain functions.

At the practical level, Bennet suggests:

  1. Engaging ourselves in cognitively challenging activities.

  2. Adopting a growth mindset oriented towards learning.

  3. Regularly incorporate physical exercise and mindfulness training into the daily routine.

Learning in the Unconscious

The Unconscious (Unconscious) is defined in the dictionary as the absence of conscious or directed control in our thinking.

The unconscious is one of three levels of consciousness in our brain (m.l.):

  • Consciousness defines our thoughts, actions, and awareness.

  • Subconsciousness is responses and actions we understand when we think about them.

  • Unconsciousness is defined deeper, based on our past and memories.

Implicit Learning

The unconscious (Uleman) refers to internal brain qualities we are unaware of, which influence our conscious thinking and behavior.

Research on tacit knowledge estimates that about 90% of brain activity is unconscious.

Tacit knowledge is created and stored in the unconscious, serving as a source of dreams, intuition, judgment, knowledge, and creativity.

Implicit learning refers to acquiring knowledge and skills through unconscious processes instead of explicit learning, which involves conscious thinking and directed effort. Implicit learning can lead to spontaneous understandings, where the unconscious brain integrates subtle cues into new insights.

Implicit learning is significant in various learning domains, such as language learning, pattern recognition, and more.

Knowledge creation (including new uses of existing knowledge) in both existential and experiential learning occurs in the unconscious, with our emotions as an essential component influencing learning.

The unconscious functions, especially in learning processes of problem-solving, "aha" moments, creative thinking, intuition, and synchronicity.

The unconscious mind activates attention processes and presence in prioritizing knowledge that will serve our needs and goals.

It includes stages of incubation and reorganization of existing knowledge we possess and are exposed to, which explains the need for relaxation and deep sleep to improve learning and the role of dreams in memory consolidation.

At the practical level, it is recommended to:

  • Encourage activities that promote unconscious processes

  • Encourage diversity (people, cause) that enriches the unconscious mind

  • Practice relaxation techniques and being present

  • Encourage curiosity and exploration

A fundamental component of our implicit memory is procedural memory, which operates unconsciously and oversees our ability to perform tasks without conscious thinking. Techniques of repetitive practice, varied practice environments, and feedback can improve learning efficiency and procedural memory consolidation.

This memory serves primarily to:

  1. Develop new skills, transitioning from a stage of action as a conscious cognitive activity through an associative stage to a stage of independent activity guided by procedural memory (think, for example, of shifting gears while driving). Independent activity has many advantages as it streamlines cognitive activity.

  2. Precision and synchronization of complex actions, such as an expert's sports swing or a maestro's performance, are essential.

But here's the catch: the more we develop and strengthen skills and embed them in procedural memory, the more difficult it will be to detach from them when we want to change and adopt new ways of acting.

Unconscious Mechanisms Affecting Learning

Unconscious mechanisms relevant to understanding and developing infinite learning:

  1. Sensation: Sensory inputs, both individual and combined, influence learning. Visual and auditory inputs are significant, but taste and smell primarily affect learning through the emotions they evoke.

  2. Cultural Norms and Environment: These norms significantly shape the unconscious mind and guide our behavior and interactions with others, thus directly and indirectly influencing learning.

  3. Implicit Approach and Biases: An implicit approach refers to an individual's assessments or feelings toward any object, person, or idea without conscious thinking. These are not necessarily derived from preferences and biases and are formed based on multiple parameters, including norms, media representation, and the surrounding society. Specifically, biases are attitudes or stereotypes that shape our understandings, behaviors, and decisions. Some can even lead to an unconscious, aggressive approach toward others.

  4. Adaptation to Environmental Challenges: The unconscious adapts and directs our behavior to surrounding challenges, such as climate change, danger, or resource scarcity.

How should we act to develop infinite learning in light of these mechanisms?

At the individual level:

  • Self-education (awareness of senses, dealing with approaches and biases)

  • Seeking feedback and reflection

  • Participate in as many diverse, enriching activities as possible

  • Dedicate time to Mindfulness practice

  • Create opportunities for our brain to process the unconscious

At the organizational and societal level:

  • Multi-sensory learning

  • Education (addressing biases, diversity, etc.)

  • Inclusive work environments

  • Urban planning and architecture

  • Continuous learning about emerging AI and robotics capabilities

  • Examining how they can integrate with our unconscious learning

Towards the end of this chapter, Bennet considers the ethical considerations to be taken in the context of unconscious learning to prevent improper exploitation of people, prevent biases, and more.

Social Learning

Social Learning in Groups

Social learning is a process by which individuals acquire skills, behaviors, capabilities, or knowledge through observation or interaction with others. It is a crucial component of human and cultural development.

Social learning includes two types:

  1. Learning through others: This includes role modeling, learning by observing and imitating, and mentoring.

  2. Learning with others: Collaborative work environments encouraging learning and sharing; collaborative learning processes; network knowledge environments; peer learning; digital knowledge communities.

Note: Imitating others is a significant component in several types of social learning and allows the relatively simple acquisition of complex skills and cultural behaviors.

Significant factors influencing social learning:

  1. Cultural context (knowledge, practices, and norms).

  2. Group play (sports, creative activities, and hobbies).

  3. Media (various social media channels).

  4. Supportive environment.

Teaching Others

Teaching is an example of a social learning method - by teaching others, I learn myself.

Teaching occurs not only between humans but also involves artificial intelligence teaching us and even artificial intelligence teaching itself while teaching us.

Learning with Artificial Intelligence

Ideal learning with artificial intelligence is defined as triple-layered collaborative learning, which is an intelligent combination of "I," "We," and "Artificial Intelligence" in learning processes.

This learning begins with what each component represents (I—intention and contribution; We—collective intelligence; Artificial Intelligence—broad global knowledge). A wider circle relates to the experience and interface between the three components, and the expanded circle includes the information and knowledge learned from all of these.

Each pair of components is connected, but a triangular relationship also translates into psychological comfort and improved cognitive learning ease.

In this learning, the object-subject relationships between each pair of components are essential, especially with artificial intelligence, thus creating more knowledge-learning patterns. These connections are expressed in communication, feedback loops, or, in other words, in social learning.

Triangular learning is not coincidental and has foundations in various religions. It facilitates the brain's processing, cataloging, remembering, and retrieving information. Research shows that triangular learning improves the validity of learned knowledge, reduces biases, and enhances understanding and resilience of knowledge.

Bennet elaborates on different learning levels in contexts of learning with intelligence, such as creativity, emotional intelligence, problem-solving, and more.

She addresses the need to address learning and artificial intelligence issues, such as ethics, multiple meanings, error identification, context, cultural sensitivity, separation of signals from noise, explainability, systematic feedback loops, and incremental learning.

There is no doubt that such learning has advantages for both humans and machines.

Summary - Social Learning

What to do in practical terms?

  • Connect to mentorship processes and personal example (Role Modeling)

  • Create and participate in collaborative learning environments

  • Leverage digital platforms in social learning processes

Technology as a Catalyst for Infinite Learning

Currently, several technologies enable us as humans to significantly advance infinite learning:

  1. Machine Learning (ML) -

    1. Learning Applications: Adapting learning to user needs - pace, content, style, learning guides, feedback, prediction, etc.

  2. Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR)-

    1. Learning Applications: Simplifying complex concepts, environment simulation, simulator training, and more.

  3. Blockchain Technology-

    1. Learning Applications: Reliable transfer of learner data.

  4. Internet of Things (IoT)-

    1. Learning Applications: Tracking learner status, behavior, and metrics.

  5. Cloud Computing and 5G Technology-

    1. Learning Applications: Democratization of learning - accessibility for all.

  6. Big Data and Learning Analytics-

    1. Learning Applications: Infrastructure for improving comprehensive and personalized learning programs.

  7. Gamification-

    1. Learning Applications: Integration in learning to improve motivation and learner engagement.

  8. Educational Robotics-

    1. Learning Applications: Learning robots are currently used to teach mathematics, science, computing, and engineering (STEM).

  9. Natural Language Processing (NLP)-

    1. Learning Applications: Free dialogue interface with learners (Chatbots), language learning, guidance, and practice.

These technologies are relevant for learning in schools, academic, business, and personal contexts.

First Steps for Embarking on the Journey

Infinite learning is a way of life. In our time, it is not a luxury but an essential need that allows us to cope with a changing world, grow personally, and contribute significantly to society.

How do we start implementing it? Bennet proposes an approach to adopting the concept step by step:

  1. Adopting an infinite learning mindset through openness, curiosity, and a growth mindset.

  2. Integrating learning into daily routines.

  3. Promoting learning through connections with others, mentoring, and building network relationships.

  4. Embracing cross-disciplinary learning as a way of life.

  5. Leveraging technologies as tools for infinite learning.

  6. Developing reflection skills and Mindful practice.

  7. Learning from nature and the environment.

  8. Learning through creativity and play.

  9. Embracing failure and understanding that it, too, is a learning tool.

These are our lives; this is our choice. It's worth it for us.

Interactions of Learning with Disciplines Where Learning Exists or Can Be Inferred:

Human Learning and Artificial Intelligence

Human learning is based on choice and driven by curiosity, excitement of discovery, and joy.

Although artificial intelligence cannot express any of these, it can simulate them and give them an adapted meaning:

  • Joy:

    • Enthusiastic discourse style

    • Positive feedback

    • Sense of progress in learning - through iterations and continuous performance improvement

    • Task completion and sense of achievement

    • Sense of meaning and satisfaction

  • Curiosity:

    • Pattern recognition: motivating the discovery of connections and relationships within information

    • Asking questions or suggesting conversation continuation paths

    • Continuous learning arising from human-machine interaction

  • Discovery:

    • Creating insights and "Aha" content based on data!

    • Dynamic response guidance based on user feedback or new input

    • Data synthesis into meaningful information

It is easy to understand why simple learning occurs. Higher-order learning can also result from a continuous process of integration and synthesis that enables pattern recognition and, at a higher level, concept identification.

It should be taken into account that many people are afraid of using artificial intelligence, and one of the critical challenges in offering solutions involves transforming these fears into engagement and enthusiasm while alleviating emotional concerns and improving responses to address rational concerns (such as biases, information reliability, and more).

Learning in Relation to Quantum Theory

There are several interface points between quantum theory and infinite learning processes, and understanding quantum theory can serve as a conceptual framework for better understanding endless learning.

Key connections between the two domains:

  1. Dynamism and Non-linearity- Both domains operate dynamically and thus optimally in complex adaptive environments. Non-linearity is suitable for multi-faceted environments and allows for unexpected quantum leaps.

  2. Superposition and Parallel Processing- In quantum theory, superposition allows each element to be in multiple states simultaneously. These approaches, implemented in machine learning, human learning, and creativity, form the basis for innovation potential.

  3. Connections and Entanglement- The network of connections and entanglements in the quantum world means that a change in any individual affects all other individuals, regardless of their distance. The meaning behind this "complexity" is holism. It is easy to understand how one can see the learning effects of each individual on the organization and society and how our collective learning affects us all.

  4. Fluctuations- Quantum fluctuations refer to temporary changes in energy levels resulting from the uncertainty principle. These fluctuations highlight the significant role of spontaneity and uncertainty in creative processes.

  5. Observer Effect- In quantum mechanics, the observer effect means that observation affects the system itself- similarly, reflection and meta-learning change the learner's perception and understanding of learning processes.

  6. Coherence and Synergy- In quantum theory, coherence refers to the phenomenon where particles are interconnected, and their behavior is coordinated and collaborative. This coherence teaches us about the synergy in learning.

  7. Quantum Tunneling- Quantum tunneling refers to a phenomenon where particles can pass through insurmountable obstacles. We can learn from this about the brain's cognitive learning achievements, even those we might not have thought possible.

Bennet suggests practical tools to promote infinite learning by learning from quantum theory:

  • Embrace complexity and non-linearity

  • Find parallel search and exploration

  • Nurture connected and integrated learning environments

  • Encourage reflection processes

  • Allow randomness and spontaneity

  • Deepen collaborative learning

  • Encourage targeted thinking strategies and creative problem-solving processes to overcome obstacles.

Learning and the Soul

From a philosophical perspective, the soul is the driving force within us and the basis for personal commitment to personal development.

Looking at infinite learning through the prism of the soul offers several aspects worth considering in learning:

  1. Morality- Continuous investment in learning and deepening understanding of what is permitted and forbidden, as well as justice and compassion.

  2. Psychological and Emotional Growth- Learning that nurtures the soul and self-exploration.

  3. Higher Mental Learning- Learning not just of knowledge but of higher-level skills such as reflection, creativity, and critical thinking.

  4. Meaning and Intention- Connecting to meaningful learning processes that contribute to the individual and a larger purpose beyond the "self.”

  5. Holistic Integration- Harmony and balance when psychological, emotional, mental, and physical are aligned.

In summary: Integrate emotion, morality, and intellect; give space to society and community; invest in self-discovery; allow room for creativity and innovation; and invest in well-being and quality of life.

In the spirit of the entire book, Give artificial intelligence a place in expanding the soul.

Learning in Relation to Religious Belief

Bennet continues from a general discussion about the soul to a more specific discourse on the relationship between learning and religion.

Throughout history and across cultures, different religions have significantly contributed to developing the concept of infinite learning, not only as a tool for preserving and transmitting knowledge from generation to generation and from one to another but also as a tool for continued intellectual exploration.

Bennet examines 10 religious traditions, from traditional religions and diverse cultures to the spirituality of the current New Age era. In all of these, she finds a common denominator of:

  1. Holistic integration of soul, body, and mind

  2. The importance of meaning and intention beyond the "self."

  3. Connection and interdependence between the soul, environment, and community

  4. The eternal search for wisdom

  5. Meditation practices

  6. Ceremonies and fixed routines

  7. Written and oral traditions

  8. Cyclical nature of existence

  9. Transcendence

  10. Personal transformation

  11. Symbolic and metaphorical language

  12. The role of the teacher or guide

Perhaps learning is a religion in itself—the infinite yearning to learn. Like any other religion, infinite learning is our choice; it is a commitment a person decides to make.

And for everyone who identifies with the idea and truly wants to promote infinite learning - invest in all the above sections through the prism of learning.

Learning in the Animal World

The animal world demonstrates exceptional flexibility and intelligence, enabling continuous learning and change throughout their lives.

Central aspects worth considering:

  • Adaptation to Changing Environments, whether behavioral, physiological, or structural, improves their ability to find food, avoid predators, find shelter, and more.

  • Social Learning allows them to adopt new abilities and skills. It occurs through various methods, such as imitation or collaborative behavior during food hunting.

  • Problem-solving and innovation are needed to overcome challenges and difficulties, such as finding food or navigating their environment.

  • Complex Communication is a significant component of animal learning processes. It enables animals to transmit and receive information, allowing coordination in dangerous and calm situations.

  • Memory and Information Retrieval are vital capabilities that serve animals’ immediate needs, such as finding food and navigation, and their long-term strategies, such as migration according to seasonal changes.

What can we learn from animals? Primarily how to create beneficial conditions that improve learning:

  • Unconditional love can help us develop emotional intelligence and provide a space for personal growth.

  • Living in the moment, a mindset that improves well-being and reduces stress.

  • Compassion and loyalty teach us humans the value of dedication and how to strengthen relationships and mutual support.

  • Finding joy in simple things. It helps humans create more balanced lives and focus on gratitude and satisfaction.

  • Grief and healing in animals can teach us how to strengthen our emotional resilience by processing loss and appreciating the original connection.

Learning in the Plant World

Although plants lack a brain or developed nervous system like animals, they still demonstrate impressive abilities in:

  • Environmental Adaptation and stimulus response allow plants to manage their resources efficiently, maintain health, and ensure continuity.

  • Chemical Signaling and Communication enable plants to signal dangers, attract desirable organisms, and change their physiological state.

  • Phenotypic Plasticity is the ability to change characteristics due to environmental conditions. It allows plants to learn and change by adapting resource management, defense, and reproduction strategies according to the ecological context.

  • Symbiotic Relationships enable plants to enhance survival, nutrition, and self-improvement.

  • Memory and Information Retrieval. Despite lacking a nervous system, plants demonstrate a type of memory in their response to environment and stimuli.



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