Infographics - A general term for visually representing information through illustrations, diagrams, photographs, flowcharts, cross-sections, 3D models, animations, and more. In many cases, the graphic elements will be accompanied by textual explanations. Infographics illustrate processes, events, how various mechanisms work, business information, and more. (From Wikipedia)
The field of infographics has been developing in recent years and is becoming increasingly popular in journalism, news, and websites.
Infographics have three main components:
Visual image - The eye is more drawn to images than text.
Concise content - Statistical data, brief text, timelines, etc.
Knowledge - The facts or conclusions summarizing the content (the bottom line).
What are the advantages of infographics?
Infographics can be created on any topic and for any purpose.
Through infographics, an important message can be conveyed concisely and excitingly.
Using infographics on the internet tends to attract more attention and typically increases the number of visitors to the publishing site.
And how does this integrate with knowledge management?
Using infographics can be an excellent way to convey essential knowledge and data in an eye-catching yet concise manner that presents the bottom line. Additionally, infographics can present BI data, which is not always clear and understandable to everyone, simply and concisely while targeting a wider audience (including those less skilled at reading data and graphs). In my opinion, illustrating through infographics allows conveying an experience to the user even on less "interesting" but no less important content. It causes the user to remember the information and key points.
An example of an infographic from the book Presentationzen Design by Garr Reynolds