In my work with organizations and administrations the issue of measuring the world of Knowledge Management is raised occasionally. How can we measure the success of an organization's Knowledge Management? Some argue that measuring in this field is merely a rating of quality (and not quantity) and that any success in the organization is due to numerous factors and not necessarily the world of Knowledge Management.
That's why I was glad to know the new standard and why I think it is important to introduce it as a measuring tool that can assist us in establishing, developing and promoting the world of Knowledge Management in an organization.
Standard SI25006 is an Israeli standard of Knowledge Management for organizations. What need does the organization have with a standard, and measuring at all, during the establishment stage?
The standard represents the 'compass' of Knowledge Management; the manager will know the definition of the conduct of an organization "perfectly". Its chapters, as a result, represent aspects and dimensions that should be taken into consideration when diagnosing the state of the organization, specifically in the field of Knowledge Management.
If we examine the standard we will realize that its components can be used not only as a means to receive approval (and the standard itself) rather as a guide for improvement, and as a tool for initial KM diagnosis of the organization.
Obviously, this does not mean checking, during the first stage of the examination, of all the standards detailed requirements and the organization's conformance. It rather means sticking to the spirit of the standard, its chapters and components.
How is this actually done? Through a double examination: one is a "direct" examination of the business needs that Knowledge Management will address, the other is an examination of the supportive infrastructure (culture, technology, management commitment, etc.) of the Knowledge Management state in accordance with the spirit of the standard and its chapters.
What do we gain from this?
The gain from this process is threefold:
Examining the needs will be performed according to a standard, promising a path towards KM excellence while designing the KM organizational roadmap.
The measurement enables a connection to the organization's business strategy.
The Knowledge Management activity will be standard-oriented. This will make actually receiving the standard easier.
Some organizations have already been examined and certificated according to the standard. It is especially recommended to consider transferring to a new conception for those who are making their first steps in organizational Knowledge Management or analyzing the needs of a specific unit.
The future is here.