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ISO30401 implementation toolbox

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Once upon a time, nearly three decades ago, some wise people started asking themselves how we can leverage organizations’ performance based on their human assets. It didn’t take too long, and we started speaking about the importance of knowledge in our organizations. The idea of managing knowledge began to be talked about and implemented.

Time passed by, and in 2018, this new and intangible discipline of knowledge management reached a new stage, including an (excellence) management standard to the respectful family of ISO standards. ISO30401 was launched. We hoped organizations would start implementing this standard, as we knew it would increase the KM level in organizations. Standards implemented in enough organizations, so we learned, serve as a snowball moving more to join.

However, starting to move the ball and set the trend is easier said than done. Organizations did not understand the ISO language (and yes, it is a language), and when the barrier is high, less start, and demand isn’t knocking on our doors.

We knew that we could change this equation.  With the sponsorship of the @Knowledge Management Global Network, KMers around the world (12 countries, five continents) prepared a toolbox including four toolkits:

  1. A Starters toolkit: A series of video clips and presentations explaining what the standard includes and requests.

  2. A Compass toolkit: A questionnaire and additional tools, helping each organization audit itself, benchmark itself to the industry, and learn what it should do on its path to KM excellence based on the ISO standard.

  3. An Advanced toolkit: A guideline and series of templates easing the preparation of an excellent leveled KM program to ISO30401 certification with minimal effort.

  4. A resource toolkit: A collection of lists that can help any organization on its ISO30401 journey: Lists of auditors, known organizations with certification, free internet videos, etc.

And now it is all ready and available for use, free of charge for me, you, him, and her.

So please, use it!

Please tell us if you use it; share your record of earning a certification.

ISO30401 is one more way to drive KM excellence and more KM.

Help us drive this movement!

Thank you my friends on this team: Vincent Ribiere, Ian Fry, David Lamotte, @khawaja Asif Mushtaq, Seyyed Hamid Abbasi, @Khattab Salman, Dr. Molly Chaudhuri, @Amanda Turner, Ved Prakash, @Lucky Esa, @Amy Williams


Want to learn more about ISO30401?

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