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Writer's pictureDr. Moria Levy

KMGN- it's our responsibility to collaboratively drive KM sharing and excellence among knowledge managers. Worldwide.

Updated: Nov 27, 2024


Dear friends,

Half a year has passed since I received the honor to lead KMGN- a fabulous network of KMers worldwide. Vadim led us last year, setting the foundations of institutionalization. This year, 2022, is all about implementation, turning our vision of the collective impact of KMers into reality; together, through being the most collaborative knowledge management network, reaching for prosperity to organizations and society through KM.

Indeed, this is not a one-year journey; however, every year, we must progress toward this ambitious future we are picturing.

So, what did we collectively accomplish in these past six months?

We have money to help us manage a digital infrastructure and future activities. As of June 29th, 2022, we have 17,240.86 US Dollars.

Our digital infrastructure includes:

  1. A new WEBSITE that will be launched (stage 1) in the coming week (great thanks to Alina, Ved, and Olga). The new website is content-rich, positioning us better and making a place for the various networks to produce their pages and if they also want sub-websites in our shared space. The next stage, starting soon after, will fulfill the dream of sharing resources, expertise, and events in a much more dynamic way.

  2.  A LinkedIn page, which we lately have turned to be a company page, so from now on, you can refer to it using “@Knowledge Management Global Network.” We believe that will enable us to drive more traffic.  

  3. A zoom account (company license) enabling us to hold significant events and add live translation to all meetings. We believe that using live translation will help us bridge our gaps, as even though we all speak English, our accents and pronunciation are different, yielding less understanding without such translations. We already use it on all projects and encourage you to add the live translation to all meetings.  

  4. YouTube channel- including 44 videos and 111 subscribers(!).  

  5. A shared drive including, besides our managerial materials, course materials, and ISO30401 implementation tools. Not perfect yet- accessible to all. KM resources will be moved in the coming months to our new website, which we hope will become a significant source for advanced KM.

During the past six months:

  1.  Our new onboarding networks committee was very active. Thank you, Ved, Rudolph, Rajesh, Khattab, Refiloe, Annie, and David.

  2. A shared calendar was prepared and populated with main holidays, enabling us to honor each other better, considering these when we set events. Some information on local KM networks’ events was added- we call you all to add more.

  3. The partnerships and VPs committees continue working on procedures and methodologies.  

  4. KMGN advanced course has ended. 99 out of 105 registered people have finished the course getting their certificate after handing in their takeaways and commitments to follow the course. We believe there is a sense of a KMGN community we established and a belief that we can develop and implement better KM together.  

  5. The Global Virtual Collaboration Experience started following the previous stage of GVCC. This will be the basis for our next year's course “The new collaboration” to be led by Olga.  

  6. The ISO30401 implementation project is continuing its work. We already have a toolset for organizations with excellent KM programs that want to prepare themselves for ISO certification quickly. We are working on another toolset to serve as a compass for organizations in various stages of their KM journey. We believe that now we have an ISO standard, it should serve as a primary maturity model unifying us all while helping those who want to implement KM and strive for excellence based on the standard.

  7. We started preparing for our main event of the year- the HakMthon to be held on October 12th, 2022. Faiz is leading this project- beginning with a survey with replies from 46 KMers from 16 countries. The next stage will be a GVC Webinar, to be held on 10 Aug 2022, in which the Brainstorm HacKMthon Topics will be decided (the specific hour will be announced shortly). This planned HaKMthon will, in addition to proposing new ideas on how to tackle our KM challenges, set the stage for our 2023 projects.

  8. We recently initiated a data analytics team led by Manfred. We believe that it is essential that we learn from data, and the team has already produced some analytics as to the HacKMthon survey and the course’s takeaways. All committees are welcome to address Manfred with specific requests.

All these activities synergize with one another, and all serve us in making progress towards our shared goals and vision.

 However, a big mission is still waiting for us all. The more we grow, it will be more challenging for us to keep our collaborative culture and our sense of community.

We will be investing efforts in the coming months, together with continuing the work in all channels described above, to address this critical issue. I call you all to help.

 Together we can make a difference. Together, we can be the most collaborative KM network and help drive prosperity to organizations and society through KM. It is up to us, and we are on the right track.

 This post was initially published in LinkedIn


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