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Tal Alon

Knowledge development and innovation

Updated: Nov 25, 2024

A light bulb with a flame coming out of it

Nearly every organization values "knowledge development and innovation". Yet, where is the implementation of this value apparent? We decided to examine our own organization. It was surprisingly easy to find examples of both innovation and knowledge development.

  • Brainstorming as a work tool is implemented in all group meetings in our organization; this activity generates a sense of creativity and imagination for a new action.

  • 2Know Magazine: a magazine published monthly with new and innovative knowledge in the field of Knowledge Management. Whether summaries of new material published on the most updated of KM issues (performed by our CEO), updates on new terminology, or creative writing by our talented and experienced consultants.

  • The new products we've developed and launched lately: developing a professional doctrine, documents in the 21st Century, professional desktop. These products include innovative components added to the basic knowledge/technology/methodology and are the result of creative and innovative thinking based on field experience of interaction with customers.

  • A unique array of unique methodologies that are an integral part of our commitment to an ongoing learning process, e.g. lesson learning methods. The fact that we are probably the first to develop the idea of a professional portal, and of course the knowledge desktop based on culture, technology, content and process.

  • Added to the list: Tip-Top, our development to insight and lesson management and the field of Business Intelligence which is innovation in the market's methodological aspect and has even been dedicated its own magazine with a dedicated reading audience and even a first project. As mentioned above, the field experience and dealing with our customers' organizational reality demands us to manifest creativity and innovation when on the job.

Adapting organizational reality to customers' needs and properties creates a combination of innovative activity and new knowledge in the field based on familiar KM activity. This is exemplified by the knowledge retaining activities implemented by an increasing number of organizations, each in its own way according to their needs. Furthermore, acting beside out customers to attain the business objectives leads to creative solutions and innovative manners to implement them uniquely. For example, focusing on important issues that are at the core of the organization's business and extracting insights and recommendations for future conduct.

In conclusion, the value of innovation and knowledge development serves as a way of life to our activities at ROM and supports the implementation of our vision to be "the leading Knowledge Management company in Israel".

After a decade filled with activities involving knowledge development and innovation, all we can hope for is another decade.


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