Written with: Daniel Ohayon
"An amazing User Experience is the most efficient leverage an online company can get if it wishes to increase sales by word of mouth" Scott Voigt, Founder of Full Story
The idea that stands in the base of magic moments is to provide a surprising and amazing experience by creating "magical moments" for customers; to satisfy them and keep them coming. The element of surprise is the key to a successful magical moment.
Magical moments aren't a new concept. Providing users with value is the endgame of any quality product. Adding in surprising experiences, a sense of pride, developing insight and relationships are the key to the people's most memorable moments and a good way to consider magical moments.Imagine arriving one morning at your workplace and spending an hour looking for a parking spot. This is a daily challenge. Eventually you arrive at the office, you settle down and receive a text message informing you that an officer just passed your car. Luckily, says the message, you used a parking app. You're OK.Well, that must feel great! talk about positive User Experiences.Imagine opening the internet browser at your workplace, when suddenly a pop-up appears: "congratulations! Your child is six years old. Click on the link below to receive a gift". How about that?
Here's something that might sound familiar. You active Waze and it asks you: "still on the way home?" in our case said user is the customer which we are required to approach with something innovative, something unexpected .In the examples mentioned above we, the customers, experience a magical moment with each received message. That sense of satisfaction for saving time or not getting a ticker are magical moments.
We all aspire to provide our customers with a positive UX. But how is it done? Here are some ideas:
Holiday Spirit
For some special spirit, add holiday icons to internet live chats, a special holiday logo and add 'happy holidays' to your email signature. This will uplift people's spirits and greet customers and visitors to your website during the holiday season. Holiday decorations encourage website users to get shopping, especially if they encounter an enticing sale and some gift cards. The right heading styling, such as holiday posters, will do the job and help consumers delve into your rich supply. You can also upload posters to social media to promote your holiday offers.
Managing customer expectations' while expecting
It's vital you update users on the product's availability and their order's status. In case there are any complications, offer any addition: a discount, a free item or at least a thank you note. People will appreciate the gesture and become more loyal customers and may share this pleasant experience with their friends on social media networks. You can also ask customers to fill out a "holiday survey" to ensure they are satisfied and notify of any delays/updates.
Proactive planning/special events
Informing workers on events and sales promotion items will assure you that your team is well-organized and can efficiently cope with all requests without causing any commotion. If your website features a live chat software as the main customer service channel, you are going to need to man more positions to be available during rush hour. If you cannot respond to chats quickly or leaving the customers waiting for a response will lead to distrust and dissatisfaction, which in turn will lead to your potential customers doubting your website's reliability. Your team should be prepared for new challenges and can provide quick and reliable response via all customer support channels. If you make sure it is indeed prepared. your business (website) will gain its customers' loyalty and positive feedback to your product.
Sales promotion via social media channels
Many buyers rely on social media for ideas for presents (and information in general). According to Twitter's latest study, this involvement increases sales: 54% of users said that sales they read about on twitter encourage them to make a purchase.
To encourage online buyers to purchase via your website, post information/offers/product reviews on social media.
Furthermore, it's best to offer to coupons on the company's Facebook page to motivate Facebook users to enter your website. People love receiving coupons and will recommend your shop to their friends. Facebook allows easily adding such a card using a designated app.
Creating 'Wow Moments'
'Wow Moments' aren't just about a discount or great customer service. They're about an act of true treatment. A kind word, a smile, a gesture showing that you recognize the recurring customers. These can all make our customers feel appreciated. We all remember the big moments of customer service. Let's try focusing on the little things that make our company unique and stand out in comparison to others, making our customers return each time for more.
In conclusion, it is important that companies create magical and surprising moments; both for customers and for employees. These magical moments can occur during the interaction between people and their computers, and on any other channel of interaction. Regarding all as purely people is the core of a business's success.