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Mindset - Book Review

Updated: Nov 25, 2024

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"Mindset: Changing the Way You Think to Fulfill Your Potential" is a book authored by Dr. Carol Dweck, a world-renowned expert in developmental psychology. It was first published in 2012 and later republished in 2017. The book's central theme revolves around our mindset and how it influences our capacity to develop and grow.

 The book is organized into the following sections:
  1. An Evolving Mindset

  2. Content Worlds: Sport, Leadership, Love, Education

  3. Concept Implementation - Change Management

 Throughout the book, Dr. Carol Dweck delves into our potential for learning and personal growth as individuals, employees, or leaders. It explores whether our ability to change ultimately determines our success in self-improvement. The key takeaway is that our mindset plays a crucial role in our ability to succeed and evolve. Embracing a growth mindset is a choice that is available to anyone. So, why not choose to adopt it? I highly recommend this book to all.


An Evolving Mindset

A developing mindset refers to our perception of ourselves, acknowledging that we can learn, grow, and change, ultimately strengthening and expanding our abilities. The essential question is not whether we have this potential but how to harness and nurture it. This perspective contrasts another, perhaps more widely accepted worldview known as a fixed mindset, where abilities are believed to be solely influenced by genetics. However, the truth is that our environment and our efforts also play significant roles in shaping our capabilities.

 The path to influencing our potential involves several key elements:

  1. Dedication and persistence: Diligent effort and investment in ourselves.

  2. Strategies: Applying focused efforts in the right direction to avoid wasted energy.

  3. Clarity of purpose: Setting our sights on the path we wish to pursue.

  4. Receiving assistance: Recognizing that seeking help from others can be beneficial.

 It's crucial to note that an evolving mindset implies that we can only achieve some things. It acknowledges the existence of inherent potential that can be expanded significantly through continuous growth and development.

 In reality, most people need to fit neatly into the categories of fixed or developing mindset; instead, our mindset can vary depending on factors such as domain expertise, context, and overall tendencies. The good news is that we can cultivate a developing mindset, which is crucial for success. Knowledge and recommendations alone are insufficient; we need an evolving mindset to lead ourselves effectively.

 Individuals with a developing mindset exhibit several positive traits:

  1. Realistic self-perception: They accurately assess their abilities and performance.

  2. Resilience to criticism: Critique is seen as an opportunity for growth and improvement.

  3. Willingness to embrace challenges and hard work.

  4. Pursuit of long-term success over immediate perfection.

  5. Less preoccupied with seeking revenge when wronged.

  6. Embrace a non-zero-sum outlook on the world, recognizing that success for one doesn't entail failure for another.

  7. Value the investment and effort, even if the desired outcome takes time.

 The developing mindset fosters success by enhancing learning, pushing the boundaries of one's abilities, and achieving desired outcomes. Importantly, Carol Dweck does not claim that mindset is the sole factor influencing success; it operates with other elements. However, an evolving mindset does have a significant impact on the behaviors and traits described above. Individuals with a developing mindset take ownership of their improvement journey and, as a result, experience tremendous success.

 While some individuals may naturally possess talent and abilities without much effort, others with less inherent talent can still achieve great heights through an evolving mindset combined with investment, focus, and strategic approaches. Genes undoubtedly play a role but do not determine our destiny alone. With the right mindset and determination, we can unlock our full potential and achieve remarkable growth and accomplishments.


Content Worlds


In the world of sports, Dweck highlights various examples of athletes with fixed and developing mindsets, demonstrating how those with a developing mindset outperformed others, even if they started with similar or lesser skills. Three key athletes who embraced an evolving mindset are particularly noteworthy:

  1. Michael Jordan: Despite a weak start and rejection from multiple teams in his youth, Jordan emphasized the power of his mental fortitude and thinking abilities, eventually surpassing his physical prowess. His relentless focus on improvement led him to achieve physical perfection and remarkable success.

  2. Babe Ruth: Ruth believed in training and honing his skills, showcasing discipline and dedication. His investment in personal growth paid off, and he achieved significant success.

  3. Wilma Rudolph (World Champion and Olympic Gold Medalist in Short Distance Running): Born prematurely and afflicted with illness and polio during childhood, Rudolph turned to training as a means of recovery and development.

What do these exceptional athletes share in common?

  • The ability to surmount setbacks and derive motivation from challenges.

  • Assuming responsibility for their progress toward success.

  • Identifying, adopting, and implementing successful strategies.

  • Recognizing success in giving their best effort, embracing learning, and continuous improvement.

  • Acknowledging that success is a collaborative effort involving various contributors to their achievements.

  • Maintaining the willingness to persevere and continue acting with determination, even in the face of success, to sustain their position of excellence.



In both the business world and the realm of sports, there exists a significant opportunity for emerging leaders who do not solely rely on charisma or innate talent. Dweck presents various less successful examples, illustrating how leaders with fixed mindsets and ego-centric attitudes can lead to detrimental outcomes, such as the infamous case of Enron. On the contrary, she introduces three successful leaders who operated with a developing mindset and firmly believed in their ability to grow, develop their companies, and nurture their employees:

  1. Jack Welch (GE): Renowned for transforming a struggling company into one of the most successful enterprises of its time, Jack Welch attributes his leadership approach to an early experience in his engineering career where he learned from a mistake and embraced the importance of faith in people and learning. Welch focused on hiring employees not solely based on talent but on their passion, dreams, and willingness to grow. He dedicated his energy to development and growth, fostering a collaborative journey with teams as partners in success alongside managers.

  2. Lou Gerstner (IBM): Like Welch, Gerstner took over a severely troubled company and placed his faith in learning, people, and innovation. He broke the norm of his time by promoting open communication within the organization. Gerstner's key implementations included teamwork and customer focus, leading IBM to reclaim its position as a global leader in computing.

  3. Anne Mulcahy (Xerox): Similar to the previous leaders, Mulcahy faced a company in dire straits and focused extensively on learning, resilience, and employee development, even during necessary cutbacks.

 Critical Insights for the Business World:

  • Organizations often claim to value collaborative thinking, but they may expect conformity to managerial review. Real collaborative thinking must be encouraged.

  • Workplace recognition should prioritize efforts, processes, and improvement rather than mere compliments on successful results. This approach aligns with a developing mindset, fostering growth and learning.

  • An evolving mindset contributes to personal success and benefits the entire organization. It fosters teamwork and encourages creative problem-solving throughout the organization.

  • Managers are advised to focus on skills and learning potential, integrating development (beyond just talent) into organizational values, providing feedback that promotes learning and long-term success, and leading by example to serve as a source of learning for employees.

 Organizations that prioritize employee development and learning create an environment where employees:

  • Trust the organization more.

  • Feel empowered to take risks.

  • Are perceived by their managers as collaborators in achieving success.

Love and Relationships

Within romantic partnerships, the concept of a developing mindset becomes more intricate. In this equation, two partners may find themselves at different stages of developing their thinking, contemplating each other's growth, and considering the nature of their relationship. Nevertheless, specific characteristics hold for individuals with a developing mindset in relationships:

  • They are more inclined to forgive and less likely to seek revenge.

  • They are better equipped to move on after a relationship has ended.

  • They believe in the possibility of personal growth, the development of their partner, and the relationship itself. Consequently, they are more willing to work through issues rather than end the relationship abruptly.

Critical insights for couples in the context of mindset perception:

  • Effective communication is essential since partners cannot read each other's minds, regardless of how long they've been together—open channels of communication foster development and improvement within the relationship.

  • Many relationship problems can be overcome with the right mindset, emphasizing the importance of growth and understanding.

  • Avoid competition, whether overt or covert, between partners. Healthy relationships thrive on mutual support and collaboration.

  • A successful relationship involves supporting a partner's individual development when they express the desire to grow.

Similar considerations extend to ordinary friendships, where the perception of a developing mindset remains relevant. Much of what applies to romantic relationships can also be used to friendships – is the friend supportive? Is there a sense of competition? The essence of a true friendship lies in supporting each other's growth and development.

In all types of relationships, cultivating a developing mindset can lead to greater understanding, forgiveness, and support for one another. Embracing this mindset enables individuals to grow together, face challenges, and build meaningful connections that endure the tests of time.



Education encompasses parents educating their children, teachers guiding their students, and coaches seeking to foster the growth of those they coach. The following are critical recommendations for promoting a developing mindset in educational settings:

  • Focus on offering compliments for the outcome and the effort, improvement, and connection between the two. While other compliments may provide short-term benefits, they might have adverse effects in the long run.

  • Embrace constructive criticism and treat failures as valuable opportunities for learning and improvement. Avoid ignoring or dismissing failures as the student's sole responsibility or an inconsequential event.

  • Strive to avoid being judgmental and punitive, as such behaviors hinder a person's development.

  • Place emphasis not only on achieving the best or ideal results but also on the process of continuous improvement itself.

  • Set high standards while fostering a nurturing and supportive atmosphere.

  • Require diligent work and provide appropriate guidance to facilitate progress.

  • When children or students resist cooperation, take the time to explain in depth why and how the educational approach contributes to their growth and benefits them.

  • Encourage parents, teachers, and educators to adopt a developing mindset and instill it in the children they educate.


For coaches

  • Provide training that encompasses a variety of skills, support, and a focus on a developing mindset.

  • Dedicate significant effort and preparation to coaching activities.

  • Take a long-term perspective when coaching, looking beyond immediate results.

  • View failures and setbacks as opportunities for learning and personal growth.

 By embracing these recommendations, educators and coaches can create environments that encourage continuous learning, personal development, and the pursuit of excellence. They can help individuals thrive, overcome challenges, and reach their full potential.

Implementation of the Concept – Change Management

An evolving mindset is not a fixed attribute; it fluctuates based on context and circumstances. Even if we adopt such a concept, regressing and returning to a fixed perception is easy.

Like any significant change, adopting an evolving mindset is a journey that requires commitment and effort. Dweck outlines a route that can guide individuals toward their goals:

  1. Familiarize yourself with the concept of an evolving mindset.

  2. Gain knowledge of learning strategies (unfortunately, specific details are not provided by M.L.).

  3. Engage in coaching practices (Dweck conducts workshops on the subject).

Here are the steps to progress along this journey

  • Acknowledge that each of us possesses a fixed mindset in certain areas. Identify a topic in which we are aware of this improved perception.

  • Analyze the triggers and factors that lead to fixed perception in the specific context.

  • Create a fictional character that embodies the fixed mindset. Discuss this character and its implications with a friend.

  • Educate and coach this fictional character: When you recognize behaviors stemming from the fixed mindset, explain how the character should have acted with a developing mindset.

  • Gradually improve your behavior, following the guidance provided to the fictional character.

 The journey toward an evolving mindset requires consistent practice and self-reflection. It is normal to encounter setbacks, but personal growth and change are attainable with persistence and dedication.

 In conclusion, "Mindset: Changing the Way You Think to Fulfill Your Potential" is a book that merits revisiting, reading, and reflecting on multiple occasions. Its insights can impact one's life and development positively.


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