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One database for multiple target audiences

Updated: 5 days ago

A person using a computer

Any organization that operates services centers knows that sharing knowledge increases edge user satisfaction. An organization that follows the recent developments in the field of service knows that today's clients expect to find most answers on their own intuitively, no phone calls required. Customers may call it transparency, while organizations should view this maneuver as a substantial marketing resource.

The objectives

  • To provide both internal (including service providers) and external organizations quick and simple access to knowledge.

  • To reduce the number of calls to service centers

  • To handle calls more quickly

  • To enhance customer satisfaction

The method

To set up and manage a single database adapted for several different target audiences while operating various digital channels to locate and present information and work processes.


What can be done about this tomorrow morning?

  • Map the common questions and decide which are the first subjects and processes that will be displayed to the target audience.

  • Define the knowledge sources from which knowledge can be retrieved and presented.

  • Be mindful of the way you present the information: what will be displayed first, what will be accessed via link, etc.

  • Settle on a uniform professional language appropriate for both service providers and other users.

  • Set up a complementary technological infrastructure that enables users to shift at any time to a cellular channel or digital representative (either human or robotic) as a direct continuation to the process the customer went through up to that moment.

  • Set up and manage a single, shared database even if it requires some effort at first. This database should allow the organization to present efficiency and save resources. This is also a great opportunity to increase customer satisfaction and provide them with a positive service experience.


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