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Organizational blog

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What are the advantages of setting up and managing an organizational blog?

A blog is an internet/interant website the contains posts on experiences, news and articles to be read by readers, some of which also comment. These posts are organized from the newest title (presented first) to the oldest (presented last). Blog holders are referred to bloggers and the blogger community is known as the blogosphere.

The word blog is comprised of the terms 'web' and 'log'.

(source: Wikipedia)

Blogs are part of internet culture in the web 2.0 era and have evolved beside the emergence of social media and other tools that all involve creating and sharing users' content. The organizational blog is usually found on the internal organizational interant and is deigned for sharing content between organizational workers. Organizational blogs are occasionally open to the internet in general, especially in cases that require sharing content with clients and extra-organizational partners.

The advantages of an organizational blog:

  • Serves as a source of professional knowledge for organization workers

  • Promotes and supports business processes in the organization

  •  Positions the blogger as an expert in their field in the organization

  •  Promotes enrichment and professional learning

  •  Promotes thought, response and conversation between workers

  •  Promotes organizational knowledge retaining

  • Contributes to transforming tacit knowledge into explicit knowledge

  •  Promotes and supports marketing, tutorial, and change management processes in the organization

Recommendations for organizational blog managers:

  •  The writer must be either an expert in their field or a potential expert in their field

  •  Bloggers should preferably possess/acquire internet writing skills, specifically blog writing

  •  The blog's themes should be well defined and adhered to

  •  Setting up various blogs for various themes is both possible and recommended

  •  Invest in quality and display- they contribute together to a more usable and successful blog

  •  A blog is not an official document- it is better to write in personal terms and simple phrasing (in accordance with organizational values and the blog's target audience)

  •  The blog must be linked and promoted regarding the organization's professional websites related to the blog's theme

In conclusion, the organizational blog serves as a source of knowledge and work tool that supports and promotes the organization's business objectives and processes while generating dialogue and sharing among organization workers. Utilizing the blog as a component in the organizational portal or professional knowledge website can contribute to the portal/site substantial added value.


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