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Podcasts and Knowledge Management

A close-up of a microphone

Podcasts have only recently emerged into our lives and have since become an essential tool in current media. They have increased immensely in their number of listeners and are recognized by users around the globe that have discovered the power of this medium.

A podcast is essentially a collection of technologies used to generate an automation process of distributing video and audio programs. Podcasts enable creators to create radiophonic content and distribute it globally via the internet. Examples of podcast programs include interviews, political commentary, economics, sports broadcasting, professional programs, and various samples generated by humanity’s creativity.


Podcasting as a medium’s advantage is that it allows content consumers flexibility. Podcast listeners aren’t limited to a specific listening time. With the many technological tools available nowadays, one can hear a podcast while driving, exercising, working, or flying. They are also not limited geographically. In short, they can be consumed from anywhere, regardless of their time zone.

Podcast creators enjoy low costs since recording a podcast (assuming it only involves audio recording) requires only a quality microphone, connection to the internet, and a recording device. Of course, it is best to record in a secluded, quiet room to provide users with an optimal listening experience.


A short history

The first podcast appeared in the early 2000s. There is some debate regarding the first podcast, but everyone agrees it emerged around October 2000 in New York City. On that day in New York, Dave Weiner (also known as one of the developers of RSS protocol) recorded the first podcast. As of 2004, podcasts began to gain popularity and spread throughout the internet. Since then, this tool has been used for podcasts on various subjects such as history, economics, personal interviews, etc. Today, one can find a podcast on any topic an average person might find interest in.

The current situation 

Podcasts are a growing media tool, which is evident from the data. 55% of the American population report listening to at least one podcast a month. Most listeners enjoy the podcasts’ content while traveling (car, train, bus), some at work and some at the gym or while exercising. Most listeners report using this platform via their cellular phones. Surprisingly, the US does not have the highest percentage of podcast listeners, but instead, South Korea leads, with Spain and Sweden coming in second.


Podcasts and Knowledge Management 

Like in every area, podcasts provide solutions and simplify matters regarding Knowledge Management. A user that wishes to consume, learn, or enrich their knowledge can listen to a podcast at their time of choice. A podcast, either audio or video, enables a more enjoyable listen to content. Companies that wish to have their workers attend a tutorial implement a new product, provide workers data regarding this product, record a podcast, and upload it to the organizational portal, where it is available to workers 24/7, from anywhere around the globe.


An analytical tracking feature also shows the number of listens, listening hours, and how many listened to the entire program. Processing this data enables lessons to be learned before recording the next episode. If this listening is mandatory, it adds some fun to an activity previously performed using files, enriching workers, and efficiently utilizing time spent in traffic.

Podcasts expose workers to company management from a different angle. Interviews with senior management exist anyway, and listening to such an interview enhances their engagement with the company.

New workers arriving at the company are flooded with information during their first days. A podcast that enables them an easier exposure to procedures, logistics, etc., can make things much simpler for workers. The podcast grants the worker access at any moment to the required data and therefore saves them the need to remember lots of information when entering a new position.


In conclusion, podcasts are an essential tool in today’s internet media. They have been part of life for over twenty years, and their rate of growth and use is astounding.

The number of podcasts being broadcast, the number of listens, and the increase in user numbers thanks to the expansion of the internet globally, widening the bandwidth and technological advancement of devices used to broadcast podcasts. Many content personnel, among others, have lately discovered the power of podcasts to promote and distribute content on the web. In the field of Knowledge Management, too, podcasts can be utilized to enable workers to consume knowledge and management to direct or convey knowledge using this vital tool.

With the rise of video and its emergence into the field of Knowledge Management a few years ago, podcasts are giving it a run for its money as a low-cost solution. Podcasts’ greatness depends on the voice, the content, and the knowledge transmitted through the microphone to thousands of knowledge and content consumers.


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