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Video in the world of Knowledge Management

Writer: Igal BermanIgal Berman

A person holding a clapper board

The influence video has had on communication in general, and more specifically organizational communication, has been discussed greatly in recent years. Video as a medium has been present in our lives for a while now and has been used in any possible type of media. Recently, it has been incorporated into social networks. The changes it has gone through since its inception in the early 1950s are astounding.

Studies have shows that exposure to video greatly surpasses email or posts. Furthermore, video length has considerable effect. Nowadays, video messages have been reduced to 7-15 second videos.


Video in organizational settings

Many large organizations convey intra-organizational messages via video. This method is easy and accessible. Furthermore, it sends the message more personally and is more interesting. Videos increase exposure to the video, email, process, etc. Intra-organizational videos can be added interactive segments which call to action. These segments can contain a link to a survey or allow users to express their opinion and provide feedback.

Nowadays, one can use their smartphone for filming a short video, add automatic closed captions and distribute the video to hundreds and thousands of workers. This is quite effective as said workers prefer this medium over a long email. This email would probably be deleted by most workers before being fully read.


Everything is measurable

Like any digital media tool, video can be quantifiably assessed. This assessment id divided by the amount of people that viewed it, how many viewed it in full and how many shut it off mid-view. Thus, conclusions can be reached in order to increase target audience exposure in future videos. This data is affected by the video itself as well as its accompanying text. For example, videos titled "11 tips for…" will garner more views than "12 tips for…". Surprisingly, studies have indeed proven that odd numbers have a greater effect on users. Check it our next time you enter a website.

This assessment provides us with many options that can assist us in both knowledge management and result analysis. A KM video could be a new system's video tutorial, a video tutorial for new workers or any call to action. These videos can be reused as they answer frequently repeated questions.


Someone is in charge

Google, which controls 70% of the internet market with its Chrome browser, has instilled several rules regarding videos embedded into websites. These rules regard User Experience issues, such as an available 'sound off' feature.

Furthermore, we are all familiar with Google Analytics which is quite useful for any assessment. Google Analytics is a solution for assessing video, display, etc. and is supported by both mobile and desktop formats. Google Analytics offers various data, including number of clicks, views, etc.

The most important criteria to consider regarding video are user exposure, how many users were exposed, how many users viewed the video in full, how many gave up several seconds into the video, what time of day offers maximum exposure, which is preferable: mobile or desktop, and (in case of a globally distributed video) from which countries did most viewers access the video.

This data is a vital tool for knowledge managers as they allow them to manage and better channel their video messages. The following example might show the importance of analytics and analysis: 70% of YouTube users watch videos that they did not choose themselves. These videos weren't randomly chosen, either. YouTube/Google's systems monitor the users' viewing habits and accordingly select videos that will get them to stay on the app/website.


Yet, but…

Like any technology, video has its disadvantages. Its production requires time, resources, planning, screenwriting and recording. Its greatest disadvantage is that one can search for text yet not for video content. The only way to find a specific video relies on tagging or hashtags (#). Furthermore, organizational culture usually presents additional barriers to the use of video as a communicational video.


An example of video utilized for KM purposes

There are several examples of intra-organizational incorporation of video. Video can be used in intra-organizational settings for tutorials for a system recently introduced to workers, such as a document tagging/management system. Another example could be a video expressing gratitude or announcing the winner of some intra-organizational contest. For example, an outstanding worker shown receiving a certificate. The worker can then express their thanks for being picked. This short video can encourage other workers to emulate the winner.


In conclusion

Video plays a vital role in organizational settings. Considering the technological changes video has gone through, intra-organizational and organizational environments will be increasingly affected by video. Video will probably address various subjects which will in turn lead to a vast change in organizational culture.

So, next time you watch a 15-seconds video, think about the way this video has made from its inception to your device.


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